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Full Stack Web Development Program
"తెలుగు లో నేర్చుకోండి"

NASSCOM Certification

100% Placement Assurance

ISO Certification

Our Full Stack Web Development Program offers a comprehensive curriculum designed to equip you with the skills needed to create dynamic and interactive websites. This program prepares you for a career in web development, giving you the expertise required to design, build, and maintain modern web applications.

stars 5.0 STAR Student Ratings

Program Duration: 6 Months

At 10-15 hours/week

Live + Self-Paced Learning

Flexible Learning Format

Techiepanda Upcoming Batch Schedule

Week Day Batches


7PM - 9 PM (IST)
1:30hr - 2hr / Per Session

Enroll Now
₹ 23,499/-

Week Day Batches


7PM - 9 PM (IST)
1:30hr - 2hr / Per Session

Enroll Now
₹ 25,499/-

Week Day Batches


7PM - 9 PM (IST)
1:30hr - 2hr / Per Session

Enroll Now
₹ 27,499/-

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Meet Our Alumni



Ravi Kiran


Aswinidutt Bevara



Ravi Kiran


Aswinidutt Bevara



Ravi Kiran


Aswinidutt Bevara



Ravi Kiran


Aswinidutt Bevara

Technologies You Will Master






Mongo DB



Methodised to Land Your Dream Job
Live Mentorship
The course comes with mentor support to help resolve your queries during any time of the day.
Project-Based Learning
Along the course, you will be buidling 30+ Independent and Guided projects with the help of step-by-step tutorials.
Quizes & Assignments
In between video lectures, you encounter MCQs and code-based Assignments to test your understanding.
Mock Interviews
Job seekers interested in enhancing their confidence can apply for Mock Interviews, a valuable resource for all.
Resume-grade Projects
Create fully guided, highly responsive, resume-worthy projects to master both Front-End and Back-End Technologies.




Create a simplified responsive version of the Livspace homepage using only HTML and CSS to practice your front-end web development skills.




Create a dynamic to-do list application that allows users to add, edit, delete, and mark tasks as complete,organize their tasks, set priorities, and track their progress



Resume Builder

Create a web-based resume builder application that allows users to input their personal and professional information and generate a formatted resume.



Razor Pay

Create a simplified responsive replica of the Razorpay homepage using only HTML, CSS and the Bootstrap framework to practice your front-end web development skills.



E-Commerce Website

Create a full-stack e-commerce website that offers a wide range of products, user authentication, secure payments, and an intuitive user interface.



Music Player

Create a web-based functional and user-friendly music player that allows users to play, pause, skip tracks, adjust volume, and manage playlists.



Form Validation

Create a FormValidator project to validate user inputs in forms, ensuring that data submitted by users is accurate, complete, and secure



Chat Application

Create a basic web-based chat application that allows users to send and receive text messages in real-time.



Liv Space

Create a simplified responsive version of the Livspace homepage using only HTML and CSS to practice your front-end web development skills.

Trial Lectures


Control Structures






Introduction to Programming with Python
  • you will learn the fundamental concepts, syntax, and structure of the Python language, including variables, data types, control structures, and basic input/output.
  • ways of organizing and storing data for efficient manipulation and access, including common types like arrays, lists, tuples and dictionaries
  • will understand the concepts of classes and objects which are fundamental to OOP, how to create abstract data types, bundling the data (attributes) and methods (functions), creation of new classes by inheriting properties and behaviors from existing classes, and so on.

Block and Inline





Media Tags


This module will consist of five sections.
  • Starting with the features and fundamentals of HTML 5,
  • You will study different kinds of HTML tags, attributes and elements
  • As well as how to insert icons and media - images, audio/video - into webpages .

CSS Box Model


Background & Font Properties



Pseudo Classes and Elements

The CSS Module will consist of eleven sections in all.
  • The features and fundamentals of CSS3 will be covered in the first section.
  • In the following sections, you will learn various CSS properties required to structure, organise and style webpages.



Grid Templates

Justify Content

Align Items

Align Content

CSS Flexbox and CSS Grid System are used to create layouts in one and two dimensions respectively. These are two of the most important and most commonly used concepts in building webpages.
  • Flex properties like flex wrap, flex flow, flex basis, etc. will be discussed in this section, as well as,
  • Grid container and grid item properties like grid templates, grid gap, etc.
  • Justify content, align items, align self, and other more frequently used characteristics to structure flex or grid elements.



Transform properties

Animation Properties

3D Animations

CSS Keyframes and Animation properties make it possible to transition HTML elements, from one CSS style configuration to another. In this section, you will learn to master animations through :
  • keyframes, that indicate the start and end states of the animation's style
  • and other animation properties like duration, delay, iteration, etc.

Responsive units

Media Queries

Responsive web design is the most useful and intuitive development. It is a standard practice for every web designer to provide the best user experience by creating web pages that look good on all devices.
  • In this section, you will learn about responsive units, that will help HTML elements adapt to the device.
  • As well as breakpoints and media queries, to make HTML elements respond to the screen size.

HTML Basic Tags

HTML Forms

CSS Properties

CSS Flexbox

Transition Animations

Responsive Web Design

You will be developing a responsive, static photography portfolio webpage. In this project :
  • You will create two pages - the homepage and the contact page - and connect them with HTML hyperlinks.
  • You will learn how to make an image gallery using the CSS Grid framework.
  • In the contact page, you will learn how to apply various form elements.
  • Finally, you'll learn how to utilise media queries to make the webpage responsive for devices ranging from smartphones and tablets to laptops and desktops.

HTML Basic Tags

CSS Properties

CSS Grid Framework

CSS Flex Box

Transition Animations

Responsive Web Design

You will create a highly responsive static e-commerce webpage that displays natural products.
  • This project will teach you how to develop product cards (specific information about a product), which are used to showcase items on most major e-commerce websites.
  • You will learn to insert icons and apply CSS Transition animations, in addition to basic CSS styling properties.
  • Finally, you'll learn how to use media queries to make the webpage responsive for a variety of devices, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktops.



Grid and Columns

Form Control



The course will teach you the fundamentals of Bootstrap.
  • You will learn about the mobile first approach and how Bootstrap makes it much easier to create responsive webpages.
  • You will fully understand how CSS and the Bootstrap Grid System differ from one another.
  • You will learn how to style HTML elements using Bootstrap's pre-defined classes, which are known as utilities (that function as CSS properties).
  • You will learn how to customise various Bootstrap pre-built components, which will help you build websites faster and easier.

Bootstrap Grid and Columns

Bootstrap Utilities

CSS Keyframes

Carousel Component

Modal Component

NavBar Component

You will create a highly responsive static landing page for a corporate service provider.
  • You will learn how to use the pre-defined Bootstrap components, such as the navigation bar, carousel, and modal, in this project. Additionally, how to modify them using Bootstrap utlities.
  • The row-and-column Boostrap grid system will be used extensively.
  • Finally, you'll comprehend how to use Bootstrap's Breakpoints, which help you make the webpage responsive.

Bootstrap Grid and Columns

Bootstrap Utilities

Accordion Component

Card Component

Carousel Component

Masonry Layout

NavBar Component

You will create a highly responsive static landing page for a corporate service provider.
  • You will learn how to use the pre-defined Bootstrap components, such as the accordion, card, card-group, carousel and navigation bar, in this project. Additionally, how to modify them using Bootstrap utlities.
  • You will learn how to design a masonry layout for protfolio images.
  • The row-and-column Boostrap grid system will be used extensively.
  • Finally, you'll comprehend how to use Bootstrap's Breakpoints, which help you make the webpage responsive.

Introduction to JavaScript

JavaScript code


Data types



Conditional statements

The course will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of JavaScript.
  • You will delve into the core concepts of JavaScript programming, gaining proficiency in variables, data types, and operators.
  • You will explore how to manipulate the Document Object Model (DOM) using JavaScript, enabling dynamic and interactive web development.
  • You will learn about control structures like loops and conditional statements, empowering you to create logic-driven scripts.
  • You will gain insight into functions and scope in JavaScript, essential for writing organized and efficient code.
  • You will delve into asynchronous programming with JavaScript, mastering concepts like callbacks, promises, and async/await for managing tasks such as fetching data from servers.
  • Through practical examples, you will learn how to harness JavaScript's power to create interactive and engaging web applications.
  • By the end of the course, you will be equipped with the skills to build dynamic and responsive websites through hands-on experience with JavaScript's functionalities.

In this JavaScript Hamburger Project, you will develop an interactive website with a dynamic navigation menu, enhancing your front-end development skills.
  • Learn how to manipulate the Document Object Model (DOM) to toggle the visibility of the hamburger menu, providing an interactive user experience.
  • Understand the principles of responsive web design, ensuring your hamburger menu works seamlessly across various devices and screen sizes.
  • Explore event handling in JavaScript to capture user clicks and interactions with the hamburger icon.

This is a web-based game that replicates the classic word-guessing game known as Hangman. You will :
  • use HTML to structure the game, including placeholders for the hidden word, the hangman figure, and the letter input field.
  • gain hands-on experience in manipulating the Document Object Model (DOM) to update the game's interface dynamically.
  • learn how to randomly select words from a predefined list to keep the game engaging and diverse.
  • explore JavaScript conditional statements to determine game outcomes and player progress.

You will develop a web application that allows users to check real-time weather information for different locations. You will :
  • learn how to connect to external APIs (e.g., OpenWeatherMap, Weatherstack) to fetch weather data based on user input.
  • develop error-handling mechanisms to gracefully handle API errors or invalid user inputs.
  • ensure that the weather application is responsive and looks great on various devices and screen sizes.
  • explore geolocation features to automatically detect and display weather information for the user's current location.

You will develop a web-based application that enables users to create, manage, and organise tasks or to-do items. In this project, you will :
  • Learn how to store and manage task data, either temporarily (e.g., in memory) or persistently (e.g., using local storage).
  • Create an intuitive and user-friendly interface for users to interact with their to-do lists.
  • Utilize JavaScript to dynamically update the task list without requiring page reloads.
  • Implement validation to ensure that users provide meaningful task descriptions and details.
  • Focus on creating an engaging and efficient user experience by providing feedback and clear instructions.

You will build a web-based music player application that allows users to play, pause, skip tracks, adjust volume, and manage playlists. As part of this project, you will :
  • TImplement the ability to load and play audio files (e.g., MP3, WAV) using the HTML5.
  • Create an intuitive and visually appealing music player interface with controls for play, pause, volume adjustment, and track navigation.
  • Use JavaScript to provide real-time updates of the current playback status, including the current track's title, artist, and progress.
  • Ensure that the music player application is responsive and looks and functions well on various screen sizes and devices.
  • Optionally, add a visual element to your music player, such as a spectrum analyzer or album cover display.

You will develop a web-based form that validates user input to ensure that it is accurate, complete, and secure. In this project, you will :
  • Create one or more HTML forms with various input fields (e.g., text, email, password, date) to collect user data.
  • Define validation rules for each input field, such as required fields, email format, password strength, and date format.
  • Implement real-time validation that provides immediate feedback to users as they fill out the form.
  • Display error messages or indicators next to invalid fields.
  • By the end of this project, you'll have a practical understanding of JavaScript, DOM manipulation, and form validation techniques, enabling you to create secure and user-friendly web forms

You will create a highly responsive static e-commerce webpage that displays natural products.
  • This project will teach you how to develop product cards (specific information about a product), which are used to showcase items on most major e-commerce websites.
  • You will learn to insert icons and apply CSS Transition animations, in addition to basic CSS styling properties.
  • Finally, you'll learn how to use media queries to make the webpage responsive for a variety of devices, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktops.

You will build a web application that allows users to browse and purchase products from an online store. This project encompasses various components and functionalities:
  • Design a grid layout to showcase products with images, names, prices, and brief descriptions.
  • Create individual product pages or modal pop-ups that provide detailed information about each product.
  • Develop a shopping cart component that displays the selected products, quantities, and total prices.
  • Allow users to view and edit the contents of their cart, including updating quantities or removing items.
  • Display an order summary before finalizing the purchase, including the list of products, quantities, and total price.

Introduction to JavaScript

JavaScript code


Data types



Conditional statements

The course will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of JavaScript.
  • You will delve into the core concepts of JavaScript programming, gaining proficiency in variables, data types, and operators.
  • You will explore how to manipulate the Document Object Model (DOM) using JavaScript, enabling dynamic and interactive web development.
  • You will learn about control structures like loops and conditional statements, empowering you to create logic-driven scripts.
  • You will gain insight into functions and scope in JavaScript, essential for writing organized and efficient code.
  • You will delve into asynchronous programming with JavaScript, mastering concepts like callbacks, promises, and async/await for managing tasks such as fetching data from servers.
  • Through practical examples, you will learn how to harness JavaScript's power to create interactive and engaging web applications.
  • By the end of the course, you will be equipped with the skills to build dynamic and responsive websites through hands-on experience with JavaScript's functionalities.

Understanding The basics

Development Workflow and Debugging

Working with Express Js

Working with Dynamic content and adding templating engines

MVC Model View Controller

The course will guide you through the intricacies of Node.js, empowering you to build efficient and scalable server-side applications.
  • You will start by grasping the fundamentals of Node.js, including its event-driven architecture and non-blocking I/O, which make it an ideal choice for handling concurrent connections.
  • You will explore the Node.js runtime environment and its built-in modules, enabling you to manipulate files, handle HTTP requests, and manage network communication.
  • You will delve into the concept of npm (Node Package Manager) and discover how to leverage an extensive repository of open-source packages to streamline your development process.
  • Through hands-on exercises, you will learn how to build RESTful APIs, enabling communication between clients and servers using HTTP methods.
  • You will gain proficiency in asynchronous programming using callbacks, promises, and async/await, allowing you to manage asynchronous operations effectively.
  • You will explore the concept of middleware and its significance in creating robust applications, along with understanding how to use frameworks like Express.js to simplify the process.
  • You will venture into real-time communication by exploring the WebSocket protocol and building interactive applications with technologies like Socket.io.
  • By the end of the course, you will be well-versed in utilizing Node.js to develop server-side applications, equipped with the knowledge to create scalable, performant, and modern web solutions.

Creating a chat application in Node.js involves building a real-time messaging system that allows users to exchange messages with one another.
  • Create an HTML/CSS-based chat interface that displays user messages, a message input field, and a send button.
  • Design a user-friendly interface that updates in real time, as new messages arrive and as users send messages.
  • Set up a Node.js server using libraries like socket.io to handle HTTP requests.
  • Implement user authentication and authorization to ensure that only authorized users can access the chat.
  • Develop logic to handle incoming and outgoing messages, including message storage, sending messages to specific users or groups, and displaying messages in real time.

A "Payment Integration Project" using Node.js involves integrating a payment gateway into a web application to facilitate online payments. In this project, you will :
  • Create a Node.js web application using a framework like Express.js.
  • Set up routes, views, and any necessary middleware for your application.
  • Create a payment form in your web application where users can input their payment information, including credit card details, billing address, and payment amount.
  • Implement server-side code to handle payment processing.
  • Implement robust error handling to address various scenarios, such as declined payments, invalid card information, or network errors.
  • Provide users with clear feedback on the payment status, including successful payments and any errors encountered during the process.
  • Focus on providing a smooth and user-friendly payment experience, including responsive design for mobile users.

An "E-commerce Full Stack Capstone Project" is a comprehensive web development project that demonstrates your proficiency in building a complete e-commerce application from start to finish. This capstone project should encompass both front-end and back-end development, along with database management, security, and deployment. Here are the key components and features you will include in the project :
  • Implement user registration and login functionality with secure password hashing.
  • Create a catalog of products with details such as images, descriptions, prices, and categories.
  • Develop a shopping cart system that allows users to add, edit, and remove items.
  • Implement a multi-step checkout process that collects user information, shipping details, and payment information.
  • Enable users to view their order history and order details.
  • Ensure that the e-commerce application is responsive and functions well on various screen sizes and devices.
  • Use a database system (e.g., MySQL) to store product information, user data, and order details.
  • A well-executed e-commerce full stack capstone project demonstrates your ability to design, develop, and deploy a complex web application, making it a valuable addition to your portfolio and showcasing your skills to potential employers or clients in the e-commerce industry.

Program Fee

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